1. HBO's Soledad O'Brien blasted as racist for tweet attacking Asian ...
3 jul 2023 · HBO correspondent Soledad O'Brien is getting blasted as racist on Twitter after she attacked a prominent Asian American activist for "screwing ...
Soledad O’Brien is getting blasted as racist after she criticized a prominent Asian American activist following the Supreme Court's decision striking down affirmative action.
2. Soledad O'Brien - KFF
Soledad O'Brien is an award-winning documentarian, journalist, speaker ... She is a thought leader, with over 1.3 million Twitter followers, who has a ...
Soledad O’Brien is an award-winning documentarian, journalist, speaker, author, and philanthropist, who founded Soledad O’Brien Productions, a multi-platform media production company dedicated to telling empowering and authentic stories on a range of social issues. She anchors and produces the Hearst TV political magazine program “Matter of Fact with Soledad O’Brien” and is a correspondent for…Full Bio
3. Here Are the Twitter Feeds Soledad O'Brien Finds Especially Helpful
7 feb 2014 · Who Soledad O'Brien ; Age 47 ; Accomplishments Broadcast journalist; CEO of Starfish Media Group; philanthropist; will be hosting two panels at ...
Specs Who Soledad O'Brien Age 47
4. Soledad O'Brien and Megyn Kelly Battle Over Coronavirus Tweet By ...
20 jul 2020 · Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly and former CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien sparred on Twitter Monday after Kelly defended Fox News meteorologist ...
Dean said Dr. Fauci's assessment that New York handled coronavirus "correctly" was "garbage," prompting the Twitter battle
5. While Questioning Journalism Ethics Soledad O'Brien Tweets About ...
22 feb 2019 · From Soledad's present bias against Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) throughout her Twitter timeline, it's logical to suggest her response is in ...
Soledad O'Brien's 'Fake Black People' tweet provided no context. Combined with her other misleading tweets, is she not also harming journalism?
6. Fighting Terrorism on Twitter - Matter of Fact with Soledad O'Brien
... Twitter to help limit recruitment activity. The companies say they're already doing what they can. Soledad O'Brien checks in with RAND engineer Elizabeth ...
Recent terror attacks have led to increased calls from world leaders for major tech major companies to do more in the fight against terrorism. Many homegrown terrorists are radicalized online, which has put pressure on Google, Facebook and Twitter to help limit recruitment activity. The companies say they’re already doing what they can. Soledad O’Brien […]
7. Soledad o'brien News - Atlanta Black Star
Soledad O'Brien's Tweet Praising Naomi Osaka, Serena Williams as Two ... Meghan McCain's Twitter Battle with Soledad O'Brien Forces Fans to Choose Sides.
Atlanta Black Star is a narrative company. We publish narratives intentionally and specifically to enlighten and transform the world.
8. Colorado GOP gets in a Twitter joust with TV's Soledad O'Brien | Hot-sheet
7 aug 2017 · The Colorado Republican Party probably figures the president shouldn't be the only celeb who gets fact-checked on Twitter.
The Colorado Republican Party probably figures the president shouldn’t be the only celeb who gets fact-checked on Twitter. So it spread the love this past weekend to prominent former CNN
9. The Soledad O'Brien and Janice Dean Twitter Feud Explained
20 jul 2020 · The Soledad O'Brien and Janice Dean Twitter Feud Explained ... Journalist Soledad O' Brien and Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean got into a ...
Journalist Soledad O’ Brien and Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean got into a Twitter feud early Monday morning that quickly spiraled into an ideological war. Their argument started after a PBS News interview began to circulate in which Dr. Anthony Fauci, a known expert on COVID-19, stated the United States needed to actively do whatever […]